Rainbow Root Teas Support the path of parenthood and natural alternative for parents to have options for their children. One of the most toughest battle a parent can worry about is their child immunity. We truly believe creating a product that is friendly use for both parents and children. Most of the times parents do not have much options because they’re always on the run I’m busy with their lives between work, school, homework, cooking meals, prepping meals And everything else in between.
There is a major lack of healthy beverages such as teas in the food and beverage industry. The problem is there’s too many ingredients on most products in your grocery store shelves. It is always a battle between keeping products freshen up on the shelf and clean enough to intake. Most of the time, beverage is made for children are high in sugar and not only just high in sugar. Also, Unhealthy sugars which later on can lead to long-term consequences.
We really believe in providing children and parents healthier options which is why we create our product with alkaline water from the alkaline water machine we have in our facility is all our products also we avoid any sugars, preserves and any junk ingredients. Our Elixirs are commonly used for immunity boost and support immunity system. It is the little things in life that we do daily that make a big impact on the long term of our health and future. Breaking bad habits and changing how we can take food and beverage is important. Check our our Elderberry Elixir which is highly recommended by parents for their children
”Juice boxes are easy to throw into a lunch bag, and it’s hard to find a birthday party that doesn’t serve them. Parents often offer kids sippy cups of fruit juice with a snack or use them to hold kids over till dinner. Most have heard that juice isn’t the best for kids, but at least it’s better than pop, right?
Unfortunately it’s really not, say the experts. “It’s essentially sugar water—sometimes with vitamins in it,” says Rachel Freeman, a registered dietitian who works in paediatrics in a private practice in Burlington, Ont., and at McMaster Children’s Hospital in Hamilton. She tells parents that giving kids juice is almost the same as giving them pop in terms of the sugar content and cavity-causing effects.
For years, dietitians have been telling parents that juice isn’t good for kids, and now the formal guidelines are beginning to catch up. Today, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) announced it’s changing its guidelines on juice, recommending that
Instead of juice, milk and water are healthier ways to help kids hydrate. Whole fruits and vegetables are recommended to provide vitamins and minerals, and to protect against things like heart disease and cancer. “Having water as the main form of fluid teaches kids to get their nourishment from whole foods,” says Balko. The AAP recommends kids ages one to four get about one cup of whole fruits per day (and no, fruit pouches aren’t necessarily a good substitute).
Both Freeman and Balko agree that since parents control what food comes into the house, cutting off kids’ juice supply shouldn’t be a problem. But, if your little one is really hooked on the sweet stuff and refusing water, diluting juice with 50 percent water and continuing to increase the water will help wean them off over the course of a few weeks.
Balko also recommends serving water infused with berries or cucumber slices. “You’re still getting the flavour, but you’re not getting 20 cubes of sugar,” she says. “The ultimate goal is zero juice.”
no child under one year old drink juice at all and limiting older kids’ consumption to very small quantities. The message is clear: Juice is not healthy.”
article sourced from - todaysparent.com